Homework 01/10/17

1. How does a solid become a liquid?

The ice cubes at a temperature of -250 c At this low tempera ture the water mdowles are barely moving and the attraction hold them together easily As the temperatur vises the par hele shake more in all directions, but when the temperahu e reach OC the mdowles begain to break free The crystal s trochu ve be to collapse gain and the soud be comes freely molecules It has aet the holtin pont and beyond the temperatu re increaseses the heat rs entering the sand and breaking the shvehor and forces that hold the molowles then the is all liquid


Freezing is as the liquid cools its particles slow down and comes closer together. Attractive Forces basin to trap the par and the crystals be to form The CA in temperature at which this occurs tts called the liquid ing point ee3 is the same temperatu ve as the solid ha point ra constant The tempera tve main while the crystal s re forms after all the lia has become solid the temperature can continu to fall


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